Overcoming Your Fears and Life as a Coward: Using ACT Principles to Live a Courageous Life

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Many people who suffer from fear believe they don’t have what it takes to be brave and don’t attempt to eliminate their cowardly ways. In truth, there isn’t much difference between the person who is brave and the person who is scared. There’s only ONE major distinction that separates a courageous person from being a coward. If you knew what this ONE thing is, would you change it so you can live a braver life?

If your answer is “Yes” then you need to buy this book! The whole focus of “Overcoming Your Life as a Coward” is to teach you how to do this one thing.

What is this one thing? 
It’s the ability to take action!

That’s it! Getting yourself to move into your fears is the 
ONLY difference between a bold person and a scared one!

This may not be a shock as many of you may know this already. But even though you know this fact, you still struggle with taking action into your fears. Sadly, running away from your fears is why you feel like a coward.

But, did you know that there’s 
ONE huge misconception that is preventing your from taking action against your fears? Yes, there’s ONE terrible lie that's stopping you from living a brave life!

The false belief is this - 
You must feel brave first in order for you to move against your fears.

This fallacy is the most damaging lie in the courage game! Why? Because you end up waiting and wishing you feel brave 
before you take action. But guess what? Your bravery rarely shows up! Instead of facing your fears, you avoid them, and continue living your life as a coward.

In order to break free from your cowardly world, you must know the 
two big truths of the courage game.Once you apply these two truths to your life, you will start living a bold life.

Truth #1: Everybody feels afraid. Even the bravest people in the world struggle with feeling like a coward. Fear is a normal biological response. It has evolved to purposely make you feel uncomfortable so you can be more alert to the threats around you.

Let’s go back to the huge misconception that is keeping you stuck in fear-mode: you need to be brave first before you take action into your fears.

It is actually the
 OPPOSITE that’s true! Here is the secret that all brave people know:

Actions come first, feelings of bravery come last.

Courageous people many not want to admit this, but when they take the action into their fears, they’re just as scared to death as you are.

The major difference between you and them is that brave people have found ways to get themselves to move against what scares them despite feeling anxious. Why? Because they know the rewards of feeling brave comes 
after the action or when the situation is over!

Truth #2: When you confront your fears on a consistent basis, your acts of courage will become an automatic habit.

Your cowardly behaviors are nothing but a bad habit. The good news is that you can convert any bad habit to a productive one. When your behavior becomes a habit, you take the decision making out of the process. You will walk against your fears without thinking about it.

When your actions of courage become this automatic, you will live the life that you always dreamed about. A life where you stop feeling like a loser and start taking risk and achieving more. When you’re brave you will 
finally have the self-respect that’s been missing from your life.

“Overcoming Your Life as a Coward” has a structured plan to show you how 
simple it is to face your fears. This book uses “Acceptance and Commitment” concepts which is one one of the top growing forms of psychotherapy because it focuses on taking action.To finally live a life where you can be proud of, you must buy my book!


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